im so bored Lets Play Would You Rather
- Locked due to inactivity on Aug 4, '16 4:18pm
Thread Topic: im so bored Lets Play Would You Rather
HIII mr.dude =]
cuz i'm sick and my throat hurts..i took 3 pills 1 hour ago..THOSE STUPID SENSE LESS PEOPLE WHO GIVE HUGE PILLS THAT EVEN A HUGE COW CANT SWALLOW THEM..! -
=] Buenas dias, lily
Oh I hate sore throats. you have to take 3 pills too?? Hm how strange -
1 was vitamine..cuz i couldnt eat for abou 2 days. sucks
I know, it sucks. especially if one has school and stuff. You couldn't eat for 2 days? was it the flu?
not that i didnt eat AT ALL..less than mom was killing me yelling"EAT!!YOU'LL BE A ZOMBIE!"and there we go again,i started telling her that im not SKINNY i'm slim.she said she didnt care!! =] -
Woah did she really say "eat!! You'll be a zombie!" ? =] and whats the difference between skinny and slim??
Lol yeah!
'skinny'is a person with skin on bones.'slim'is a person who has meat XD lol but any way ... -
Oh I must admit, I never knew that until now=) and all this time I thought I was skinny
So you are slim too??=]
Yep I think so, but not,like, really slim you know=]
Heey me too!!haha not really slim =D there isnt a word to descripe it ya know!!
Yeah good point. =] okay so slim means that someone is skinny but with meat..okay thats weird
I know right?!uh man just use good looking *wink wink* Hahahaha Just Kidding
...kay you left.bye =) see ya.
=]Sorry I was busy..are you gone now? don't tell me it's the cycle again
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