Best friend
- Locked due to inactivity on Aug 4, '16 4:18pm
Thread Topic: Best friend
*breaks down door and cuts Azy free* see ya later losers!!! Ahagahaha!! *runs out window while laughing like a maniac*
I I I couldn't save my friends :( *cries*
(I'm to crazy to keep contained and under control)
iv got a scab in my ear..
.. .. .. .. . i just wanted to add to the randomness -
AZY Juniorsometimes when i'am ignored i fine but when it happens everyday i get pissed. i might be nice and all on the outside but on the inside i'am a f---ing b----. i'am pissed right now -_-"
Why are you pissed azy?
aww.. anything we can do dizzy?
AZY Junior*Zips mouth shut* -_-""
*still outside running and making a stampede if animals. Stops and gets killed by lion*
you sure you dont want to talk about it dizzy?
oh darn hunters died again.. -
AZY Juniori wanna talk about it but i'am not feeling it
skatt ur the only one that cares along with hazel:] -
(what's wrong Azy?) *dead*
:) if you want to talk dizzy.. go ahead
im lisening.. i just have to revive hunter.. im still lisening
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