- Locked due to inactivity on Aug 4, '16 4:18pm
Thread Topic: Soap?
tori109 NoviceI glare at her.....
"ugh im saying the gods are our brothers , but everyone else is desenced from us , since the gods had children who are gods and so on!" i shout "why wont you take it we are realted to the gods and gave life to everyone else!"
tori109 Novice"If what you say is true I'm a god and not one of you " i reply
"yes thats what im trying to say but you keep turning to words or not hearing everything i have to say" sighing
tori109 NoviceI glare at her, I swim away as fast as i can. She tries to follow, but merpeople block her
i pretend to go away but im so mad , she didnt hear me or understand me again! so i turn into the tininst buble. so tiny nobody ,not even a go could sense it or me. i follow her
tori109 NoviceI get to the castle and shut the door before anything or anyone can get in
since im so tiny i slip through the cracks
tori109 NoviceI go into my room (its HUGE, and im not exagerating when i mean HUGE)
I lay on my king size bed..
i don't trust.anyone so my heavy guard on my mind is still up -
i dont want to get into her mind i just want to see how her life is like. i send a message through my mind to my mom that ill be back tommorow. she says ok
tori109 NoviceI go turn up the stereo, i listen to Part of me by katy perry
i listen to the music, it helps past the time.
tori109 NoviceI text some of my mermaid friends ..
I hear a knock on the front door
"Who iis it? "
"Percy " he saye -
i listen in the corner as someone knocks
tori109 Novice"Come in "
Percy : "wassup little sis " he tickles my stomach. I laugh
Victoria : "nothing,"
Percy "you were gone longer than usual, dad was worried "
Victoria :" ahh its nothing "
Percy : "your orange that means your annoyed "
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