Hunger Games Soap
- Locked due to inactivity on Aug 4, '16 4:18pm
Thread Topic: Hunger Games Soap
(hey carrot, hello mia?)
(oh hello! i thought you were gone.)
(ok someone start off again)
Its morning now, and me and minata havn't seen bella yet. we think she might have been killed, althoough there wasnt a cannon
I see a rabbit shot and kill it. I run back to where Masa is.
only a few left , the cannon should go off soon since i just killed someone.
Since there are only four of us left, me and minata go out looking for the lake girl, but theres no sign of her.
"Masa," I say. "I caught a rabbit!"
We are at the edge of the arena now, trying to find something to eat. we tried to wait for bella, but she was taking to long and we were worried she wasnt coming back. We havn't found anything yet though.
'lets go back,' I tell minata, and we start to make our way back around to the clearing where I last saw bella.
I see Masa. "Masa!" I yell.
The cannon finnaly comes off fro the district ones tributes that i killed.
'Bewa!look, minada, we found bewa!' I run over to her and see the rabbit. 'Oh, that looks...good'. I dont know if i should tell bella that ive never had meat before. Ive always been a vegetarian.
'Look, we found some berries too, bewa. Do you wanna save da wabbit for lader?'
i go away from the the bodies and the anthem comes on and they show my kills for today.
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