- Locked due to inactivity on Aug 4, '16 4:18pm
They looked at eachother and nodded. I was confused but then one of them grabbed me pulled me up then dragged me out of the room. I was brought outside to a police car. They were going go investigate on what I am. A few minutes later we were at the police station and I was brought to a room (like the ones when they interview or investigate on people in LAW AND ORDER or the other shows to do with crime stuff) now I was practically tied to the chair.
Hello? Did ya leave?
(Late post)
We get to frenzy point we break the glass and change human we escape from hell, but are revealed .....
some police men grab us and drag us to the car
I walk down a hall -
I am scared so is Steven
(Where is Jake?) -
I hear someone-or two walking and I immedialty sense it's Victoria and s... No don't tell mei know his name.... Shaun... No that's not it... Ah s--- I cant remember...
Late post- they start asking me questions and I completely don't hear them. So one of them grabs me and puts the gun to my head. I freeze in fear... "I will ask this one more time... What are you???" said the head officer... I don't answer because I'm staring at the man who has the gun to my head.. (I will get him to come soon)
They push us in hand cuffs i all.
we sit and i sit next to Steven and Violet
"We are f----- and our parents will be furious " i say - v -
I glare at the officer as he moves to me. I keep my mouth shut.
i ignore him and then he does the same all i tell the man is that he doesn't want to mess with me -
I still have the gun to my head and another one goes to the other side if my head. I'm shocked,crazed,furious,scared, and finally totally pissed... I could feel myself heating up with the element fire and the air around us picks up. The water things on the roof start to spray out the water. And the ranches outside are now starting to curl around the rooom. (hey I'm really ecausted from the crying so I think I'll stay for a few more minutes... Like about 10 more)
He is MAD
i smile, water yes! I break the cuffs and bend the water and freeze the officer -
(On the wall)
I melt the hand cuffs and the guns. The officers stare at me in horrification. I then transform into a wolf and my eyes glow a terrifying blood red color. I look intimidating...
I go frenzy, but i can't eat them . Then i say water, crap..i fall to the ground along with Steven as merpeople
My fangs are out along with Steven's the water starts to fill.in da room
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