- Locked due to inactivity on Aug 4, '16 4:18pm
tori109 NoviceI hear someone follow. I think to myself, i've never had a real friend cuz of my powers. The one time I find people who have powers they're gone.
(ok ignore me -_-)
tori109 NoviceI send a mind message to my friends "why would he ever attack you!"
tori109 Novice(No read through and join in, dont rush to conclusions)
Carrotop Newbie"I didn't think it would make people rn away," Ean says. He's sitting nextt to her. "Its just what I use to think." He puts a hand on her shoulder (hi raven!)
Carrotop Newbie"I'm sorry." He says.
tori109 Novice"No I just hate that stupid fued, in 10500 years I rule and I hate it!"
*I'm still deep in the woods hiding and shaking violently because my dad told me to never go near anyone who knows posiden or he will kill me... Literally* "why Victoria why?" I whisper in raspy breathes
Carrotop NewbieEan holds out his arms to Victoria.
tori109 NoviceI search fo Violet with my mind "why would your father kill you? I ask with my mind..
i finnaly caught up near tori but then i realise im stupid! i could have shifter and i could have gotton here faster.
tori109 NoviceI wrap my arms around him
tori109 NoviceI sob(pool is deep)
Carrotop Newbie"Its ok," Ean says,,"now let's go meet your dad. Just you and me ok?"
tori109 Novice(wolfy?????????)
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