STrIP/pool PARTY!!!!!!!
- Locked due to inactivity on Aug 4, '16 4:18pm
Thread Topic: STrIP/pool PARTY!!!!!!!
I turned around to look at him "Fine, but seriously bye" and with that i walked\ran off. -
(u can u want it?)
He smiled and walk off happy -
Going back to class
(god you want to to touch your d---? I'm not giving you a blow job if thats what your saying)
Suddenly i walked into the principle "Young lady what are you doing out of class?" I sighed "i was later Miss." -
(u dnt hav to I just would lik get it on wit ya lol)
The bell rings for next class I walk out of class to go to my locker before I would b late to next class -
(yeah, well you gotta wait a while and besides i'm getting tierd.)
She looked at me "i'll let you go off with a warning Winter" she told me in a stern voice, then she winked. I rolled my eyes "ok thanks miss" -
(if u were single and I asked u out wat would u say?
(i would say yes, why?)
(why do I got a while to wait? And why u tired?)
He sees winter walk out off the principle office and knows why she went in there, then head to his last class -
(cuz I really like u)
(well i'm tierd cause its midnight, and you gotta wait cause you didn't get me quick enough.)
My bestfriend Angel walked up to me "Dude! Where were you?! You missed Jake, omigod he was soo cute!" "Yeah, whatever. He's not actually cute Angel, he's just a b----" -
(oh you really like me? oh...)
(oh I didn't kno u would date me)
Gets and walks out of class and goes to car -
( u interested tht I lik u eh)
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