- Locked due to inactivity on Aug 4, '16 4:18pm
Thread Topic: SoAp!1!1!
im still in my book so i dont hear her
i look behind me "JADE!" i shout
Carrotop Newbie"Turn it down!" I shout. I pull the car over.
i look out the window "Ok this place gives me the hibba jibbies" i say
i shake badly "what?!?" i say madly.
Carrotop Newbie"Turn down the music." I say again. "Bonnie, this is the way we're supose to go. We need to check the engine. At that moment it starts to thunder.
i give Jakie the -_- face "You were saying?"
ugh i take out my headphones that i hid in my book cover.
Carrotop Newbie"We need to look at the engine. " I say. "Grab Jades book, I don't think she is listening.
i plug in the headphones so no one else will hear hte music.
i grab jades book away from her i then pull my hoodie over me and gets out of the car with Jakie
Carrotop NewbieI open the hood. Smoke come out.
i give the evil eyes to both of them and say "im not a car epair person! ,even thoguh i have several books on the car negine and how it works"
(btw carrot dont forget the orphange soap)
i open the door and looks at Jade "gimme one of thoughs car engine repair books" i say
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