- Locked due to inactivity on Aug 4, '16 4:18pm
Thread Topic: S.O.A.P
DanceDays NoviceAs I read Jades mind, I began to feel better. I rubbed my soft fur aginst her. I wrote down this on a piece of paper and gave it to her:
They took away my voice. I cant talk -
i gasp ,this punishment was only done to permant prisonners. i hug her tight and sob and cry,
DanceDays NoviceI look at her with sad eyes. I took out my poket knife. I gave it to her. I wrote her a note:
Save yourself. -
i looked at her and sighed even if i cut the seaweed there was still the triple locked dorr and the gaurds,and the chains on my feet. i just silently shake my head. i think to her that i rather be with her
DanceDays NoviceI cut off the chains of Jades feet. I cut the seaweed. I unlocked the doors with a key. I wrote her a note:
There are no quaffs. Leave. I will love you more if you leave. Go! Please! -
i sigh an dleave and promise to come back even if i was killed just to see her one more time,or even if i ended up like her. At that i swam back.
DanceDays NoviceI looked outside. I tried to crawl out. The door shut. I sighed. I looked at the wall. I knew I would never get out.
i tried to send her a message through my mind into hers"i will come back tommorow, with george, you also will have to trust him since he can help" and with that i shrink my tail and grow my wings and go off for george
(you here? hellooooooooo?)
DanceDays Novice( I'm back! I gtg soon ) I heard a thud and my cage door flew open
(yay but ok)
DanceDays Novice( okay lets go from where we were at)
(ok) i finally find george, after hours of begging he agrees to come with me to save her.
DanceDays NoviceI look at the wall. Will she come today? Was she lieing? I thought.
we get to the castle i give george seaweed that repeled all magic and powers so he could help
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