Is anyone still on?
- Locked due to inactivity on Aug 4, '16 4:18pm
Thread Topic: Is anyone still on?
I was on my way to school, when a tall burly dude started following me.
I had accidently slept in this morning, i rushed out of the house skipping breakfast. I was sprinting, the school was only a few blocks away, but i was pretty sure the bell had already rung. I stumbled over a rock almost falling down, i decided i might as well walk...
I walked through an alley, acting casual. The guy kept following me. There was a pinch of fear in the back of my mind, but I didn't pay attention to it. I came out on the other side of the street and continued walking.
I walked catching my breath, i heard someone walking behing me, i wasn't that concerned i mean in what chance was i going to get kidnapped? Since i was getting on my nerves, i turned around, a young man, about 19 was walking 1 metre away from me.
I continued walking. I could hear the guy walking faster, so I sped up my pace a little. I didn't look back. I had a bad feeling but I ignored it and continued walking.
I stopped, there was something wrong here... Then i started walking again, except i was walking quickly, my mind flashed back to all those articles about all those young girls going missing, kiddnapped by a man who tortured them.
I walked into another alley. There was a bike there. I jumped on and rode quickly down the alley. I looked both ways and someone was walking to wards me on this side, too. It was another burly guy. I biked the other way as fast as I could.
I started jogging, images of girls looking beaten up popped into my head. I had read that there was this one girl who got kiddnapped of the streets, being tortured by to guys, they wacked her with baseball bats, put broken, hot lightbulbs up her, broken her bones, and a heap of other disgusting stuff... The man behind started jogging too, if he tried to attack mem now, i wouldn't be ready.
I rode faster but then someone jumped out in front of me. I swerved and hit the concrete, HARD! My forearm hurt. One of the guys picked me up and carried me to a car. I screamed and kicked as best as I could, but it didn't work.
(oops i just realized a mistake i made before, o'well)
Suddenly i was tackled from behind, i fell onto the road, there was no cars anywhere nearby so i was saved from being run over. But that didn't solve my other problem, my attacker\tackler. -
They put duck tape over my mouth and tied my hands and legs to each other. I was frightened but I didn't know what to do.
I could feel him fiddling with something at this moment i thought 'oh my god he's a rapist, he's gonna rape me' at that minute i struggled. Thats when i felt something go around my wrists.
(hello? U there?)
(Hazel, you on?)
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