Soap Opera Time!!!!!!!!
- Locked due to inactivity on Aug 8, '16 3:54am
Thread Topic: Soap Opera Time!!!!!!!!
eilloh JuniorI will now go mess with random people on here and freak them out.
I ish evill! -
I feel stupid.. -
eilloh JuniorI HATE tits.
I was the one he hit on the most and his post on er me was the most explicit.
So yes I HATE him.
(Lol I love messing with people and freaking them out.go to nikki's thread.) -
LOL i only know this cause i read most of the threads.
I got two posts from him directly to me..
-_-' -
eilloh JuniorI have had around 10 posts from him.
Can we please ignore such unpleasantries and continue the story?) -
i got nothing from him, he don't know i exist lmao
alright sure, letsh go!
not it. -
Heather hugged Rontu as they walked to the lake.. -
eilloh JuniorAlex was arguing with her mother,Selena,on mortals.
"They are not animals treat them with respect!"I said exasperated to my daughter.
I sighed and worked on my book.
I heard my daughter huff and shoot me the bird.
I snarled and jumped into the air and caught my daughter's wings.
"Really!"Alex said annoyed. -
Mandy, still looking grey and wrapped in bandages and looking like a zombie, was complaining to Candace about life, Candace was sitting there listening, and looking at all the bandages on herself.
eilloh Junior"Go get your ass on the couch.NOW"my mother said sternly.
I rolled my eyes and walked back to the house.
Eversince my runin with evil humans,extractors,and vampires I had lost respect for humans.
I sighed and waited for my mother's ultra boring speech.
Afterwards I would practice my swordsmanship though out of the sight of Kali wherever she was.
Also Mandy would kill me!Figuratively of coarse.
Sanji, Zoro, and Luffy left to figure out what could have happened to the D.V. family, hopefully they'd survived. Candace was safe with Mandy and Robin.
Mandy just leaned against a tree, Candace decided to leave her alone and go inside the house, she was FREEZING!! And so she did, and saw Alex, "howdy." she said, walking into the house. -
eilloh JuniorI have Alex one of my ultra boring speeches on life then giggled as she walked just staring outside.
I saw that the girl named Mandy was gray.
"Have you tried using natural remedies?Or tried seeing just a human medic?"I said.
Mandy looked at Alex, and then looked at herself, "Ahhhhh I'll be fine, it's not a medical condition, more like a tracker stain." she said, rubbing her arm against the rough bark of the tree, she'd been hit with Black Dust, it was used to distinguish the targets, the ones hit would be grey until it wears a month.
lol, carri..
Rontu growled at Heather.
"PUT ME DOWN!"he said, as he woke up.
Heather sighed...and sat him down.
He sat on the ground..
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