- Locked due to inactivity on Aug 4, '16 4:17pm
Thread Topic: GTQ.
I'm still here. I might have to eat dinner soon so when I do I'll prObably tell you guys
I'm bored -
*is glompethed*
*glomped* :D
So... Is it just me, or do I seem less alive, again?
naw, we're all a little off today probably
its a dead dead day.. -
It's a dead, dead Saturday
Everybody's dead
It's a dead, dead day today
And everybody's dead -
*mourns all the dead people Hat mentioned*
I guess alot of us were busy today
*moment of silence*
Some chick on youtube says I'm not going to go anywhere musically if I keep singing crap. So I told her to be a troll on a Justin Beaver vid, 'cuz he sucks worse than I.
you haz youtubes? -
xD Nice Oz
Nice. xD
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