well....isnt this pretty!??!
- Locked due to inactivity on Aug 4, '16 4:17pm
Thread Topic: well....isnt this pretty!??!
oh look its my brother brit here
@kiera: oh well at least its kinda good -
2Selena...lolz..it was...and yes..you forget rarely.. :)
yess..i guess i would to.. :)
and wow that was..outta the blue? and why? im kinda pissed at her two..
2Brit..lolz... :) -
Big birt. xD
Selena- why are you hugging a corpse? Have some repsect! -
2niyah..lolz..yea..i guess.. :)
*is mocking brit* Have some respect..lolz..srry..sound hilarious.. :) -
You're pissed at her? Why?
@Brit: You didn't die. Birt did. You're Brit. -
@brit: omg your a ghost now?????? -
No birt died everybody. Birt.
Poor Birt. Thankfully, it wasn't Brit.
*pokes Kiera*
2Selena..because i am..ok..well mostly because no one new im was bi in the residence of my mom..lol..but when i was doing something she called and my mom answered and she told my mom we were dating and i was bi..to her my mom didnt care and i no she doesnt...but this is the reason im pissed at my mom now..she called me gay like really nasty like..and said "or should i say lezbo" and closed the door in my face..but i didnt want Lexi to tell anyone..and yeaa...
srry for it being long.. hehahe.. :) -
@kiera: my mom dont really talk to me after she found out that i was bi.....but ohhh
Homophobes suck. Luckily, I don't have homophobic parents. They don't get it, they don't understand it, either. I mean, for most of human history, a romantic relationship was only acceptable if one was a man and the other a woman. But that's been changing. Some people find that harder to understand than others.
I think I'm bi... -
yeaa it does..and yeaa...tis true..but she dont gotts be an ass bout it...
you think? :O -
@kiera: i know and i know what you was going to say
@selena: oh they dont
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