- Locked due to inactivity on Aug 4, '16 4:17pm
Thread Topic: HI!!!!
he's going to one year old in 3 weeks
awww he going to be trouble once he's 1 lol i know cuz of mi lil sis
and his learning to walk.He grabs everything. andrew lost his phone because the baby got it and we dont know were he put it
lol XDDD
ok I think the he stoped crying
you give him a bottle or something
yes he eats alot.Just like hes dad lol
lol who do he look like the most you or andrew?
he looks more like andrew
oh cool
thery both fell asleep. they look so cute
awww babys are soo cute when they are sleep
I know. andrew fell asleep and the baby is on his chest
you should take a pic of it just so you can remember that moment!
I should! brb
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