Interesting Labor Day Story...
- Locked due to inactivity on Aug 4, '16 4:17pm
Thread Topic: Interesting Labor Day Story...
So I went to Skate City (a roller-skating rink) today with a few of my 11 and 12 year old friends. One of my 11 year old friends, well, she ditched me for some of her other friends that she saw there.
So me and my 12 year old friend hung out and skated together. So we got in-line to get some food and there was these two girls that were in-front of us. I really liked one of the girls hair-cuts, so I I said, "I really like your hair. Where did you get it cut?" She smiled and said, "Oh I cut it myself!" So me and my 12 year old friend kind of just talked to the two of them the rest of the time we were in line. The girl that I said that her was cool, was 13 and her friend was 14. We got our food and they went to skate while me and my 12 year old friend ate.
(Don't gets better...xD)
I asked my 12 year old friend if it would be weird to ask them for their numbers and he said no. So while I was still eating he went out to skate and asked the two girls if it would be weird if I asked them for their numbers and they said no. (Mind you, I really didn't want my 12 year old friend to ask them but he did anyway.)
So I got done eating and I went to ask them for their numbers. We started to skate together and yeah!
So this "partner limbo" game thingy came up and the one girl didn't want to do it and my 12 year old friend didn't want to do it so I decided to do it with the other girl. So as we got in line she said, "You wanna see my ex-boyfriend?" I said sure. So she showed me a pic of him and she started to explain her story...
So apparently he broke up with her because he was cheating on her and he was engaged. (The ex is 18 and the girl I was talking to was 14.) Anyways, the guy already had a FIANCE and was cheating on her for the 14 year old (the girl I was talking to)! The girl I was talking to and that guy were going out for a month and apparently had sex 10 times. And she is a FRESHMAN in HIGHSCHOOL. And apparently, her ex already had a kid with a 22 year old whore. Hmmm...f---ed up situation? I think so.
I feel so bad for her. And I just met her and she's telling me about her love and sex life? I feel pretty special!:)
Anyways...that was my boring story... -
that was a great story! lol
seriously? or are you being sarcastic?
....are you serious? o.o not sure if that girl was trolling or serious..
no, thats cool!
i think she was serious because she was pretty pissed because she said "f---" every other word...
@pyro well...COOL!
guys...c'mon. it took me 10 minutes to type all that..
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