anybody there
- Locked due to inactivity on Aug 4, '16 4:17pm
Thread Topic: anybody there
Me: Selena! Stop that, right now!
Sulfur: Hehe this tickles! -
manders Novice@ fufe yes :D
*stops drinking Sulfur's blood* See, told you your blood was good.
Mom says I have to say goodbye to my "chat people". So I guess I'll see you all later. Bye. *hugs all* Sulfur, I'm going to get sushi I think, so I'll bring you some salmon. -
@selena: aww byee -
Sulfur: Yippee!! Salmon!! BYE VAMPIRE PERSON!!"
Me: Aww bye Selena.. when you get back, the second quiz will probably be done. See you!! -
manders Novice@ fufe yes :D
manders Novice@ fufe ^-^ thanks
manders Noviceaawww sel byes :C *hugs*
*takes out a nife and cuts a line down my arm and watch my blood come out* cool!!!!!!
i miss dragon :,,,( -
manders Novicefufe nuh don't do that!! *takes knife*
too late lol*watch my blood drip on the floir* ill be okay
*takes knife from Mandy*
Hey, that looks fun!
*cuts own arm*
*Sulfur steals knife from me*
Sulfur: My turn!
*cuts self*
Ooohh.. -
@sun: want to become blood sisters?
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