The Soap.. :D
- Locked due to inactivity on Aug 4, '16 4:16pm
Thread Topic: The Soap.. :D
Bella took the box and watched Roger. She looked at Lilly.
Lilly left Peyton's sleeping body and walked over to Bella.
"Well, you might as well open it. I doubt there's a Whitecoat hiding inside." She gave Bella a little smile. -
Bella smirked and opened the box.
(Lol, whats in the dang box? xD) -
Lilly took a peek inside. "Woah."
Inside the box was a necklace. White gold, with a diamond hanging at the end. Inside the diamond, was dust. But, the dust was moving. Ever few seconds, the sparkling silver dust came together to spell "Bella" in cursive, in the middle of the diamond.
Neither of them could deny it: it was gorgeous.
At the bottom of the box was a piece of blue paper, folded in half. Written on it was "For Beautiful" -
(I didn't even know what was gonna be in the box... I just came up with that xD)
Bella gasped and touched the necklace. The dust was moving. It was so... beautiful.
"Oh," Bella breathed. She looked at Lilly and bit her lip. "I don't know if I should put it on?" She whispered. -
Lilly thought for a second. "Maybe read the paper and then put it on? I dunno, it's yours." She smiled a little, slightly jealous that Roger actually cared for someone... and it was Bella.
(You know what, I think that Peyton should be in a coma. Or something. xD)
Bella nodded and un-folded the note.
(Can you say what it says? xD) -
(I'll brb, 'kay? 10 min.)
Lilly looked over Bella's shoulder, reading along.
Dear Bella,
I have a few things to clear up. Now, remember: don't tell Peyton you have this. It's of utmost importance... and don't let Lilly tell either, since she's probaby reading over your shoulder right now.
Also, if you're reading this, then I'm already gone. Don't go looking for me: I'll be everywhere, but unfound. Hopefully, you like the present.
Also, put the damn necklace on. Knowing you, you're wondering if it'll kill you. It won't, princess. Now put it on.
Also, if you're reading this, then Peyton is either dead, asleep or taking a bath. Here's a few things I need to say:
I left to protect you guys. End of story, I'm not getting into detail. But, what you do need to know is this: Dylan isn't in a wall. He's probably run off by now, knowing him, but he's looking for Peyton. Odds are, he'll be at your door tomorrow morning, if the Whitecoats haven't caught him again.
Second, I'm sorry. I'm sorry for leaving you, for worrying you, and for coming back. Most of all, I'm sorry for ever hurting you, beautiful. You're one of the last people I'd dream of hurting. I'm sorry.
Thirdly, I want to tell you that I remember when I found you. In the forest, curled up with Dylan. Since that day, the day where I let you into the flock, I knew you were special. I was right, as usual. Never forget that.
Lastly, protect the flock, Bella. And protect yourself. You have that in you, the power to protect them all. Use it.
Good luck, princess. You're gonna need it.
P.S: Tell Lena I'll miss her. [/i] -
(Rem? You back yet?)
(she is.)
(Should I give you a discpription of Bella and Dylan?
Bella had tears in her eyes when she finished reading the paper. So it was true, Roger cared about her most. Other than Lena, of course. But she had forgotten that Roger was the one that found them.
She re-read the whole thing. Then, she looked at Lilly. -
Lilly was smiling. "He knows us pretty well, huh?" She looked again at the necklace, thinking it was gorgeous.
"I guess he wasn't all bad." She looked again at Peyton, wondering. "So, do we tell her?" -
(Sure, I'll take a description only... want a description of Lilly and Roger?)
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