Hi guys
Thread Topic: Hi guys
If you guys don't remember me I'm dragonsfire before my account got hacked. Aka Tat, sometimes dragon. I don't expect anyone to remember.
Spice and I were talking and this site came up and we both had a major throwback to being young teens sneaking around on our computers.
So how are you guys? What's popping? -
Good Lord I literally just said what's popping.
How on earth is macoooo still here after 5+ years? Has he not run out of words?
nah he’s dedicated
what’s up btw -
hi queen
@brownie I'm alright. Wrestling myself to be successful in college but it's hopefully going to go upwards from here. I've also gotten renewed energy for a story I'm writing.
@Cham Hi there! How've you been? -
what’s your major? also i hope things do go up, at least it’s the end of the year for you soon i think. that sweet sweet summer vacation will be nice
what’s your story about? -
Biochem, so one of the harder ones. I may stick with biochem or switch to chemistry.
Nah, summer is going to be filled with work and internships.
It's basically Rumpelstiltskin but more in depth. The original story just skips the whole year and I'm filling it in. It goes into how the girl's relationships with people she knew looked like after being locked away for two or three days with no mention of food or water, being married to a man who wanted her for riches she couldn't give herself, her relationship with her father after he put her in this situation, things like that. -
good!! i feel like a changed a lot which is fun but anyways i think im abt to be wifed up so lets go 😛😛😛
so im hanging out with this guy and hes kinda the current loml and hes so sweet snd everything
but anyways hes asking me to be his gf this friday im so hyped -
oh okay so you’re like smart smart any specific career goals in mind?
cool cool! i’d be lying if i knew all about what that was but i’ll go look into it now that you mentioned it haha -
My goodness Cham I thought you were actually getting married for a few minutes there.
I just enjoy science. I tend to get more excited about the information I find about chemistry in relation to the human body, so I'm trying to find some sort of field in that direction. I want to do research.
It's in the Brothers Grimm fairy stories. -
im basically married to this man hes literally me if i was a boy
but anyways!
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