On The Chosen Path
Thread Topic: On The Chosen Path
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After I make this first post, I will wait two full days before I make another that way it gives everyone the time to look at it, and make a decision! I hope you all enjoy the story, and don't forget to have fun!!-----------You, along with several others seem to have been transported to an abandoned town. The buildings here look ransacked, and appear to be empty. The air around you is cold. You look around for any signs of life, but other than the people who were transported with you nothing can be seen with the physical eye.
The longer you stand here, the more you are noticing about the surrounding area. To the right of you is a dirt path. It seems wide enough for a horse and buggy. The dirt path itself seems worn, and appears to be used often. It looks like a horse passed through not to long ago. To your left, the road seems to end where a vast forest begins. You can barely make it out, but there seems to be a small path covered by the branches. Someone else seems to point out a plume of smoke in the distance. It seems quite large for how far away it appears, which causes some room for concern.
On the road in front of you lies over-the shoulder satchels.
It appears there is one for each of you. Each satchel contains the following items:
-a flask of water
-a package of dried meat and fruit
-a small satchet filled with an unknown powder
-a golden ring with the inscription that is illegible
-a small bundle of rope (approximately 6 feet)
What will you do?
1.) Investigate one of the abandoned buildings.
2.) Take the dirt path.
3.) Take the small path leading into the woods.
4.) Start traveling toward the smoke plume in the distance. -
I take a flask of water and I take the dirt path
i take a small bundle of rope and go down the dirt path
[Wanted to add this as well, you can take the whole satchel if you want!! ❤]
oh yeah gimme the whole thing then lol
then i take the dirt path -
i take the whole satchel then take the path leading into the woods
i take a satchel and then i go to the woods
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