As The World Caves In
Thread Topic: As The World Caves In
I think I'll ask for raycon airpods and curly hair products for my bsday
I really like the not your mothers brand not the hair spray but they are affordable so I'll stick with that like 40 dollar routine? heck yeah, that's way better than some other products. my hairdresser recommended this curl refreshing spray which doesn't work if your curls and hair are dead to begin with
doing research lots of positive reviews for lots of different hairtypes
I don't particularly like the girls who are pretentious because they do cheer, but it is a sport wither you like it or not do you know how much strength it takes to make your entire body flip through the air and to lift your teammates and do all the things??
I was really excluded and different as a kid [cough cough audhd] and I had pom poms and I always wanted to be a cheerleader but naturally having girls who were cheerleader quality make fun of me broke my confidence and I was such a CUTE and freaking confident and all the the things until like second grade I was such a diva bro
so this 2025 I made a promise to my younger self (think LuLaRoe but in the 2010s it was BAD) that I'm gonna restore our confidence and wear what WE want to wear.
I only had LuLaRoe leggings and dresses because my mom sold the clothes but I still have a dress that's cute but not on me I have a couple of pieces I still like too
hey Google how to be able to do back flip no practice /hj
my friends team got 7th place and she ranked lower like bro her but can touch her head shut up 😡
day 2 trying socks curls with dry hair
I want to play peekaboo with a newborn baby 👹
that came out wrong
its already 6 I got to get ready
Harper zilmer is such a vibe we'f literally be best friends
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