All Active GTQ Users!!
Thread Topic: All Active GTQ Users!!
So, I have been looking through old thread for nostalgia sake, and I stumbled upon an old thread if mine!
Click me!
Who all would be interested in doing something like this? ❤ -
Threads, of
Sorry, half asleep 😭 -
Looks fun.
I'd be interested
ooh yeah looks fun
I don't have any interesting ones
that does sound really fun! but a lot of work for whoever would write this rip
I'm down for writing it!
Thought it would be fun for everyone to participate if they wanted! ❤
What themes are you all interest in? -
* interested
idk, we could have a poll?
I'll make one right fast!
Here ya go! -
i'd join :)
i would join :)
I’d join too that sounds so cool
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