Seeing Stars Nobody Else Sees
Thread Topic: Seeing Stars Nobody Else Sees
time has no meaning in this building.
I forgot to charge my chromebook-
I have leftover Costa vida and I really really want to go home but my mom wont check me out. -
please, time, be my friend, at least make science interesting.
gtq I haven't uploaded a photo in days-
I hate the hot topic website oh my god
i have yeast all over my face-
we were doing a lab and the ballon full of yeast exploded and got in my eyes.
i like this accounts pfp so im often on it
im also on my teachers class PC he has for each seat and i was on this device when i obtained the account so i dont see a point in logging out lol.
oh they put the game on fun i dont really know the college teams
im going to go home and eat some salad.
my throat has that breezy feel when you eat a cucumber, and my eyes feel like ive been crying but i haven't ben.
cucumber sounds good ngl
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