What's y'all's weirdest food opinions
Thread Topic: What's y'all's weirdest food opinions
Personally I have a burning hatred for onions, bell peppers, and celery but I like eating tomatoes
i despise mustard. but i've actually started liking smooth peanut butter more that crunchy because i can spread it more evenly. i hate pickles and green apples with a passion
I hate peanut butter, A1 sauce, and pickles. I also hate celery.
pretty much any white sauce (ranch, mayonnaise, hollandaise, tartar, sour cream, etc) is bad
broccoli is disgusting, but could be worse with ketchup..
also i h8 tomatoes but like ketchup( °Д °;)
ketchup is a pretty non offensive condiment, goes good with a lot of stuff
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