Death At Your Fingertips
Thread Topic: Death At Your Fingertips
I have a friend who's looking for someone just like I am. I wonder if he'd be interested. He seems really nice and he's been here for me. It's just that he seems to want someone immediately in his area.
I wanted to game with my other friends to take my mind off things, but they all seem busy...
He hasn't even really been answering my messages, so I guess that's explains it.
I'm not datable anyway...
I think I'm too broken.
Why are men trash sometimes?
I'd ask my friend to play with me, but he's about to be busy.
I feel so alone. Everybody's busy.
I deleted all my messages. I'm overthinking again.
I want to crawl into a hole and die.
Maybe i should just go to bed.
I think i ruined my night by thinking.
What am I doing?...
And now I'm just sitting here staring off...
Just sitting here doing nothing...
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