Thread Topic: Whelp
I have 20 dollars and a crappy little laptop. Y'all got any game suggestions? I like farm sims and RPGs. I also like bugsnax if y'all know anything like bugsnax
I was trying to find similar games yesterday and Google said Stardew Valley is between 5-15 bucks. I haven’t played it but I’ve heard good things about it
I have stardew, honestly, I love the game to death. I'm taking a stardew fast currently because I am playing it entirely too much
I should probably mention the games I do have.
The entire rusty lake collection
Lobotomy corporation (I don't play this one much)
Omori (I didn't know about the omocat incident)
Slime rancher (closest I've gotten to bugsnax)
Stardew (with mods)
Yume Nikki
No skin
Several daedalic entertainment point and click games I bought for 3 dollars -
If you use Steam, you might be able to find some farming simulators or RPGs that are on sale. The sales end on January 2, so you'll want to check ASAP
I can check what games I own and give you some recommendations if you'd like? -
I was looking for steam recommendations, I'd appreciate it!
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