No Salvation, No Angels
Thread Topic: No Salvation, No Angels
Many things have changed and many things have stayed the same
there is a little less stagnation in my life now, but I have yet to actually accomplish anything -
Please dont do this. I'd rather you not have your account deleted. 🥺
put in a refill request for my meds and it has gone ignored for a little bit
If I follow the rules I'll be fine.
They let you come back?
As long as I behave, yes.
I'm so happy for you!!!
Thank you!!!
I appreciate you looking out for me, I know things have been rocky, but would you like to be friends again? -
I would love that.
If you ever want to reach out on discord, my username is still dollseyes, but my display name is impossible to type on gtq due to using Japanese for it.
Thank you.
Mine is Jinxthenight if you ever need anything. -
my head hurts
hotel breakfast is closed apparently, I wanted to get v juice... :( -
Welcome back officially !
Thank you, I am sorry for the trouble I caused
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