Hatters Moving Castle
Thread Topic: Hatters Moving Castle
I love the double takes people do when they take a good look at me because why does that BOY wearing the BOYS uniform have purple hair and frilly socks
Ughhh stupid cyclone
I need to finish my art for school because the finished product is due this week and I might not be able to because of the stupid cyclone that may make me miss school Wednesday-Friday
Everything else I might be okay in since I’ve got my last midterm exam today -
my anxiety is going into overdrive with this cyclone
its not even that bad everyone just keeps talking about it -
also my hair literally looked good today but its so f---ing windy so now its ruined f--- you albert you stupid cyclone
anyway me and some class friends played handball in the windiest part of the school right before our science test lmao -
Not my dad forgetting about me and my sister and picking us up 20 minutes later, leaving us outside the school in the wind I’m screeching
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