heart for brains.
Thread Topic: heart for brains.
yeah, deffo- idfk what my hair texture is, it's like curly but also rlly f---in' frizzy?
i hate that it's so frizzy, like omfg-
xD real, he did deserve it -
omg my hair gets so frizzy sometimes, i feel your pain
who wants to beta read a few pages i wrote today 😝
WOO! it's on google docs if that works for you. do you have somewhere i can send you the link privately? like discord, email, pinterest etc
uhh, i have an ultimate guitar acc, you can privately msg me on there?
i used to have pinterest, but uh- my mom deleted it ^^'
and i don't have dis or an email i could use that my parents wouldn't find out abt lol
my acc is imsoclueless -
i tried messaging you on ultimate guitar and it doesn't look like it worked. did you get anything?
is your username pixiespit? you made a group chat with me i think lol
yes i did omg im glad it worked. let me try to send the link again
it's not letting me send messages for some reason. so strange. i click send and it just disappears
huh, weird- lemme try msging you first
can you see my msgs?
imsoclouless I'm sorry for interrupting and clicking a link that wasn't meant for me but your voice is so pretty!!!!!1
aww, tysm! you're totally fine, idm if you look at my shots i've made lol
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