A Freak Ranting About Freak Issues.
Thread Topic: A Freak Ranting About Freak Issues.
u idiot u don't eat salmon medium rare that's raw
how does bro say that Gordon Ramsay's burger is bad then proceeds to say lunchables are his favorite I've seen bro cook its horrid-
how did Albert get n denis's house
oh boy
Bruh I went downstairs and the oven was on at 500 degrees for who knows how long its like six in the god damn morning.
ughhhh I hope this site doesn't get blocked.
new term, new me. I'll stay on top of assignments.
maybe when I'll get home I'll make eggs on toast. the kind where the yolk is super runny. I usually do halfway to hard so its kind of jelly or cook it until it has a thick consistency but today is asking for lots of it.
I'll also finish moving into my room and go to the gym to practice for fitnessgram.
wow. I filled this thread alot in 2 months-
Im soooo close to leveling up.
hm. I'm hungry. good job me, for knowing that.
this word is definitely spelled wrong
good. the thing works.
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