A Freak Ranting About Freak Issues.
Thread Topic: A Freak Ranting About Freak Issues.
Uzi said in their intro that they don't appreciate it when people make their thread "their own". I don't 100% understand what that means, and if I'm wrong then they can correct me, but I think this is what they were talking about. Please go on your own thread (make a new one if you have to) to talk about this stuff
Just means that when people are talking to me 24/7, when im trying to talk to myself cuz this thread is kinda like a journal 4 me. thx
idrk why i didnt do the study for a journal? but i guess cuz im too lazy and this isnt JUST a vent journal. my more perssonal thoughts go in my vent thread. but when people talk to me constantly, coming in with their own topics or havving conversations with other ppl unprompted to where i cant have a conversation with myself iis where i get kinda annoyed.
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