A Freak Ranting About Freak Issues.
Thread Topic: A Freak Ranting About Freak Issues.
I just don't want to be another one of "those girls" all after the same guy... we are pretty good friends but all the girls that like him are so exotic and explicit and I'm just nott-
watching my hope for all things slowly die and be torn down just because I'm existing differently is so sad to me.
school is the worst
I wish I were masculine
then I wouldn't be so targeted...
i hate trump. how the f--- does someone vote for someone who will take away any remaining rights the country has in promise of lower cost of gas when he's the one who ruinned the prices in the first place? is risking rights, going into debt, and going to war worth the lower costs of goods? use your god damn brain and f--- off.
I'm just sitting alone like the god damn loser I am. I don't want to go home and face my mom-
I'm gonna get f---ing grounded because I'm so f---ing stupid
f--- everybody here.
at least it's Friday....
at least...
I'm never bringing my phone to school after this though. I hate being belittled for my feelings by the very same people who say to express feelings.
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