Thread Topic: honey~
chunky bag tut
daisy purse tut -
crochet flowers :))
blanket tut
cute crochet ideas :) -
i'm kinda obsessed with crocheting now, ngl-
i really wanna get some better yawn and in different sizes, but i'm chillin with the stuff i got for now u^u -
i was super into it a bit back, but it was a small kit- now i have a bunch of yarn n stuff so i can make actual stuff!!
new hyperfixation unlocked >:333 -
i'm heading out, gn!
gonna be here for a bit, then i'm gonna have to leave for a few hours until later this evening,
driving back home from my cousins house- -
i finally figured out my bandana lmfaoo
took f---ing ages to get it to look like the one in the video, but i figured it out haha -
i'm tweaking, i had to redo the bandana bc i f---ed up half ay, and i couldn't tell where i f---ed up, so i'm starting over >:(((
i fixed it lmaoo
gn :) -
finally finished my bandana-
and i'm goin to bed lol
gn :) -
fixing my bandana lmfaoo
i'm also making one for my dog!!
he's gonna be the most handsome boi ever u^u -
bro, gloom is back- i almost forgot abt her, i loved watching her stuff u^u
glooms back? yippee*
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