Cabin 13
- Locked by Br0wnieBunny on Nov 24, '24 8:15pmReason: thread owner request
Thread Topic: Cabin 13
Ikrrr like why you rat
nOt aLL cRoWs xD
Such a rudey patootie -
FaIr BuT sTiLl
A big rudey patootie -
uGh sTuPid cROw
dumb freaking crow -
VeRy StUpId cRoW
Stoopid mean crow >:( -
i hATe iT
very stupid D: -
wE dEsPiSe iT
Fr fr what a jerk >:0 -
We HaTe iT
Like dude whyyyy >:C -
wE sTrOnGlY dIsLiKe iT
Ikr that’s that mama bird’s villain origin story ;-; -
a MiLLioN pErcEnT
fr or it's the baby birds villain story- like, their first memory is a freaking cRoW -
A tHoUsAnD miLliOn PeRcEnT
True true- or the second baby bird’s villain origin story since he was stuck in the bush/tree- -
a BiLLioN
omfg the poor bird xD -
Bro was the forgotten child xD we all just started squealing when the first one started walking tho -
As you should, that's aDorAbLE
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