junos moth cavern
Thread Topic: junos moth cavern
WAAIIITTT NEW PAGE!!!!! whoever stumbles upon this pls take my awesome sexy poll and save me from the hell that is being a novice again. i don’t know if this gives experience but please.
[poll.9C8] -
ok idk who voted on it already but thank you for your patronage
one day you’ll sleep, and you’ll never wake again
heaven, hell, nirvana, nothing, no one knows how it ends
rest in peace or pieces that won’t even align
one day you’re going to die! -
two lyric posts in one day. yurp big things are happening in the cave today. i love you memento mori will wood
freakyy owl
hey i should learn to wield a gun. not because i need to use one but because it would be very helpful as an artist to really see how they work i think
especially for when i’m drawing my guy audric. especially especially for murder!outfit cause he has a shotgun (i think?? idk) and drawing murder!outfit without his gun is like drawing miku without her leek. it’s not wrong per se but i like it when characters hold their Objects!!! Let audric hold his OBJECT!!!
i just realized i f---ed up the punctuation for murderoutfit there but it’s okay just ignore that. cause i also just had a thought
if murderoutfit’s Object is a gun .. then what are the other audric’s Objects. I have to think about this. One second -
okay through my divine wisdom i have deduced that These are definitely their Objects:
murder outfit: gun
pre-troth: a lock of his pit hair (sweaty)
post-troth: heart <3
Thank you all for coming to my ted talk. -
okay profile picture test i hope i haven’t had this one before
ooohhh will wood they gtq pfp COMPRESSED you… i’m so sorry… ok anyway what text color looks best
midnightblue vs darkblue
… idk. i’m just gonna go with midnightblue cause i always have to match my text with my pfp or else… It will look s---. and i really wish the color names were a little shorter or something….but i also can’t really complain too much cause this addition was actually so cool. gtq guy wherever ur at thank you my savior🙏
RAISE YOUR YA YA YA!!!!!!!!!!!
I want to put a picture of audric inside of a heart shaped locket and look at it wistfully when i am stuck at work
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