The weird and wacky things that go on inside my head
Thread Topic: The weird and wacky things that go on inside my head
I'm still going, 2:40, however some bad thoughts are popping up
... My eyes are wide open, I am not tired at all anymore, I might draw... I'm hungy now
Nom nom -eats wispa-
Sugar yay... Now to continue with ✨ animation✨
He he, my brain go brrr so animation done also it be 3:20
4:24 things are starting to go weird, me eyes hurt, might go to sleep idk, I'll probs sleep through my alarm if I do (it's at seven) so I have 2 and a half hours of sleep... E
Now it's 4:47... I should prob get some sleep but f it
I'm gonna slrep now it's 5:02
Night peeps
I regret everything
After school I can say that was incredibly terrifying, my sense of hearing was increased, my eyes were so bad, I messed up on words and my autism was running on sugar.
He he I'm not okay
Okay, Imma try and sleep tonight
I'm awake now to Scholl
I forgot to say things cause I forgot this existed... :p
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