Your daily dose of crazy
- Locked due to inactivity on Mar 3, '25 3:54am
Thread Topic: Your daily dose of crazy
Omg my English teacher sent me the story she's been writing so me and my friends can help her with her writers block
It's so good too holy s---- -
Dude softball was scary today
We played 2 games tonight and dude the 2nd team oml
I went up to bat, and I'm used to people being like "oh brace yourself, she's a leftie" because lefties trip up the outfielders a lot (as a left fielder they f--- me uuuuup all the damn time-) and I'm one of the only ones
But these motherf---ers went: "OOOOO She's a leftie! Pitcher, aim for her hands! Make it so she can't play! No mercy for the devils advocate!" Like if there was a slur for being left handed, they would've said it (also whoever says devils advocate is living in a time where witch burning still happens-)
The pitcher btw was SO f---ING FAST, like AH
Also idk what those coaches were doing but they were MONSTERS to my team, and they got in a fight with all the coaches on my team (including my dad, he called them all jackasses for being like this on the RECREATIONAL TEAM it's not even Competitive wtaf) -
holy s--- that's terrifying-
see this is why i don't do competitive sports lmao -
Yeah lmao
Don't blame you. NORMALLY softball is really chill tho, these guys were just psychopaths
Also if being left handed is being the devils advocate according to them, just wait until they find out that all the kids in my team are going to Cavetowns concert~ -
fair enough lol, also why I don't do martial arts competitions - psychopaths-
we love being the devils advocate lmfao. omg yes cavetown is THE devils advocate- -
Nooo I remember when I did those things-
We're gonna be partying in literal HELL /j its heaven duh -
They're terrifying man never again ;-;
fr, honestly same xD totally jk jk -
I feel that xD
Lmao if Cavetown isn't in hell, I'm not going D: -
ikr like ;-;
same xD I want to be vibing to boys will be bugs with my fellow homosexuals -
no wait
also sorry for disappearing :’) -
It's all good, I disappeared too so like
Can someone explain to me why She Likes a Boy by Nxdia became like, THE trans-man song in tiktok edits?
Like boys, I understand why... but WHY xD
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