A place where I can vent about who knows what.
- Locked by breadgirl69 on Oct 1, '23 7:09amReason: Request
Thread Topic: A place where I can vent about who knows what.
Wtf makes them think I want to be social. What part of me makes them think I need or want friends, because I'm doing just fine without them. I'm not feeling isolated, it's those same people who bully me and give me anxiety. Those same people who think they can be incredibly mean and terrible to me, and all these people want me to make friends with them?
What the hell?! -
And I can't even express these feelings to real people because they'll never understand. Girls at my school cry when they are left playing on their own. The boys never leave each other alone in the first place, so they never understand the fact I just don't need people to spend time with.
What I need is an actual friend, not someone to hang out with. I want someone to support me without being fake, and bring me up without crushing me into the face of the Earth after. -
i'm really sorry you are feeling like this. i want to say it will get better, because it did a little bit for me, but everyone's lives are different. i hope one day you feel better, but until then, if you need a friend, you've got me. some random girl you met on the internet๐
Page 80?! God, I wonder who's been spamming this thread with pointless vents that won't help anyone, and will instead make everyone pity them without making them feel better...
Sorry Foxy, I didn't press the swirly thingy at the top of the screen to reload this page and make your post show up.
Thanks, it seems random peoples on the internet are far more understanding than people irl. -
Dear person I hate,
You brought me down and crashed me into the face of the Earth without having any regard for my feelings. You made fun of me for no reason, and the stuff you said hurt me more than a blade could.
You taught me that I was different than everybody else, and that nobody would understand my thoughts and feelings.
For that, I thank you. I thank you for being an arsehole, because if you hadn't I never would've learnt that you suck. I would've stayed friends with a dickhead.
And I forgive you. Not because what you did was OK, but because forgiveness is better for my mental health. That said, I want you to know that I hate you. I hate you with a fire that I wish would burn you to ashes, and with those ashes I would burn again with no regret. But I choose not to, because you can't fight fire with fire. Plus, I would probably get arrested and spend the rest of my life I jail for murder.
Me. -
Holy shiz fizzle, GTQ didn't censor "dickhead" ๐คฃ๐คฃ
They didn't censor arsehole either, wth ๐
Feeling better after venting, smashing my pillow into the wall, drawing a low-quality comic strip and having a delicious lunch :D
And then a cancer advertisement comes on, making me think about my grandmother
*sigh* -
They're making a Barbie film? Heck to the no.
oh thank god, everyone else i've talked to was so excited about it lol
Lmao, I ain't watching that crap.
i might, just so i can laugh at the cringe. that's what disney princess movies are for as well๐
I do that with princess movies as well ๐๐
I can't watch Cinderella or Sleeping Beauty though, those stuffs are sexist af- -
sleeping beauty was just weird. that guy literally violated her in her sleep, and then they got married? there had to have been a death threat or something lmao
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