Thread Topic: ``OPEN THE SKY``
god, i really need to sit down and start from the beginning,
but i just don't have the t i m e :') -
realll, I've been trying to make more time to watch Aphmau, but now I'm behind on schoolwork lmaoooo
Finished season 6, for those who are wondering :>
ooh, slayy
i srsly need to find some time to watch thru all of mystreet- -
Real. I still need to watch Her Wish, PDH, and FCU, plus I'm gonna rewatch all of MyStreet again so that I can make a rewrite, but for now, I'm just gonna leave it until thanksgiving and winter break lol
Also, uhhhh I made it onto the Varsity Winter Guard team lol
Oh okay, so regardless of what online community I'm in, there'll still be people forgiving bad people who shouldn't be forgiven........riiiiight.
This is why I'm not active online anymore. -
that's valid, honestly-
and hi :) -
srry, didn't see this
hellooo -
you're all good lol
hru doing? :) -
I'm alright I guess, I just turned 17 recently and I got another MeeMeow plushy and all 3 Poppy Playtime chapters for my birthday.
ooh, slayy happy late b-day!
which plushie did you get? also the poppy playtime games are fiiire u^u -
Thank you :)
I got the Kim plushie lol, I also have two Aaron plushies as well that I got from previous blind boxes that I've gotten -
slaaay- i kinda want some meemeows, but i'd feel kinda awkward asking my parents to let me buy merch for a yter-
it was awkward enough as it was to ask for tommyinnit and ranboo merch a while back lmaoo
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