- Locked due to inactivity on Nov 7, '22 3:54am
Thread Topic: Hatred.
I want to yell at you. I want to tell you just how much of an abusive piece of s--- you are. I want to breakdown, and tell ypu that all those months you told me ypu loved me, planned for our future, planned to live together, you made me think it was real.
You listened to my story, told me you understood. Promised me you'd never hurt me like he had. Like she does. Like I do. You promised me. And then to find out you didn't even exist. You were a fantasy cooked up just to use me as entertainment, all while loving some other girl.
You used everything I was against me. You didn't even have enough respect for my name. You forced me to talk to your toxic friends. Forced me to spend time with others just like you.
And I want to blame you. I want to be angry. I know you hurt me. But your sycophants will always rally around you. Calling me vindictive. Calling me spiteful.
I wasn't your only victim.
I hate you.
I hate you.
I hate you.
Why did I ever love you. You were selfish so selfish. So selfish. So selfish.
Why can't you give me the closure of leaving forever.
Move on.
Leave me be.
Leave me be.
Leave me be.
I build myself back up, and you force your way back into my life, to break me back down.
We aren't friends, you're a monster.
Leave me alone.
Leave me alone.
Leave me alone. -
Your voice cuts through my ears, even after months of it no longer being in ny life. I remember every little inflection, how you would talk. I imagine you more often than I'd like to.
How dare you say you love me.
How dare you pretend that I mattered to you.
You treated me like a child.
But why does that surprise me?
You're a danger to children.
But no, that's your mental health issues. You liar. You liar. You liar. You liar you liar. You liar. You liar.
I want to burn away whatever part of me ever thought it loved you. -
You used my sickness as an excuse to reduce me to a damsel in distress for you to save. You treated me like glass, but not like something precious to you.
You'd put me through hell for you, and then shrug it off when I asked for your shoulder to cry on. You never offered your hand.
I was nothing to you.
You talked of moving me to your state, with your real love. You treated me like a mistress, and less like your partner. But of course, you weren't f---ing real you've never been f---ing real. What kind of sick f---ing person pretends to have such a disorder, just to date someone they claim to love and respect.
If you respected me you'd have used my f---ing names. -
Wrong forum
I thought I was happy. I thought I could move on. f--- you f--- you f--- you. I can't. I can't. I can't. I can't.
Stop trying to contact me, leave me alone.
You're not right in the head. You need help. Help that I can not and will not provide to you.
f--- you.
f--- you forever, and always.
I hate you. -
I hope your friends finally woke up and realise what an awful piece of s--- you are. But that won't happen, because you f---ing surround yourself with people just like you. I hate you. Why did you come into my life? Why did you force your way into my heart.
Why was I stupid enough to say yes, despite knowing I didn't love you. -
I wish to forget everything about you. Your laugh, your voice, the Nicknames you'd call me. The pain you caused me. The fear you pushed on me, as you acted like you were part of something higher. You made me question reality. You made me unable to trust my own senses.
f--- you. f--- you. f--- you. -
Do you even realise how you wronged me? Or do you still think you're the victim?
You promised me the world but dragged me down to hell.
The way you thought of me as an object. Things I can't say here. Things I can't let myself think about.
Why do you get to go on, and I can't?
Why can't you be the one stuck on this. Why do you get to be happy, and in loving realtionships. -
You told me you wpuld fix me. I didn't think I was broken.
You acted as if my EDS was something dirty. You acted as if I should have been ashamed.
You're a monster
Goodbye, Zae. This is the last I wish to speak of you.
I'd like to ask for this thread to be locked, so it cannot be bumped. I wish for it to be buried by other threads, so it can just dissapear.
Thank you.
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