Lost & Found Box
Thread Topic: Lost & Found Box
Hey spice -
I have a question that has mystified me since i joined, spice
But ya gotta answer me truthfully -
Ellooo Quiz! What's on your mind?
Also I'm kind of avoidant regarding personal questions so if it's one of those your answers gonna be rly vague -
Nah its not personal
For the last 2 years ive been trying to figure out wut ur pfp is due to the crappy quality -
LMMMOOO you're not the first, apparently no one can tell what it is
It's a wolf with two big cats (?) and yeah the quality is pretty cruddy -
I though it was horse and a carriage 😭
Mwehe i give u 10 bucks if u guess my old gotoquiz crush
PFT- I mean close enough lmmo
Loll how u gonna do that -
You know what if u get it ill give u one of my quizzes lol
U have quotev
Nvm if u get it u can truth or dare me but the extreme
Nu get guessing i cant take this suspense
Ill add that to my list of stupid posts
Yes I do give me the child
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