If you had a child one day
- Locked due to inactivity on Jun 27, '22 3:54am
Thread Topic: If you had a child one day
And are there any aspects of their parenting you'd keep?
My attitude toward parenting is definitely a bit different than my parents. I want to raise my kids to be self sufficient and treat them like they are competent and capable. Mutual respect is important to me. In my opinion many traditional punishments are obsolete and that goes farther than corporal punishment. I think that having conversations with children like they intelligent beings deserving of respect is best. Teaching them to rationalize their own behaviour and come to their own conclusions about whether or not their behaviour was appropriate is more important to me than grounding them or taking away toys.
That and my attitude towards sex, drugs and religion are very different than my parents. I think it's important to teach kids the consequences of their actions and recognize that they won't always fully understand those consequences unless they experience them for themselves. A part of growing up is taking calculated risks. If you live in a bubble you can't grow or develop yourself. I want my kids to feel free to explore themselves and seriously consider their own thoughts and opinions on life free from my own. If they ask me about sex or drugs I plan on educating first and then saying "you can make your own choices, but you won't enjoy those things as much as your age. They're better when you're older, and you don't have to worry about my judgement but it is technically illegal to have sex at your age or do drugs so remember that before you make your decisions." -
I have a lot of thoughts on parenting. My opinions are constantly changing and developing. That's sort of where I'm at right now with it all but who knows what I'll think in twenty years. All I hope is that I don't yell at my kids and treat them like they're incompetent. I just want to lead by example and set good habits in place. I want to give them every opportunity I can because that's the best thing I think I can do for them to put them first.
I will allow my children to have sex at a certain age (probably 15 or 16 yrs of age) as long as the couple uses protection and has been dating for awhile. And I will like... actually EDUCATE THEM ON IT? Because when the time comes for ME, I won't know wtf to do.
Not hit them lololol
My mom was neglectful and abusive so I definitely won't be doing that lol
However, my dad had some pretty good ideas when it came to parenting. He did kind of what's known as "gentle parenting" today. Whenever I had an issue, he would take me aside and talk to me instead of yelling at meor spanking me. He also taught me how to do chores myself, like cooking and laundry and dishes.
There's things I'd do differently though for sure. My dad wasn't always the most present unfortunately, due to work and substance abuse, so a lot of the time the pressure of keeping up the home fell on me, andI won't be repeating that. He also was pretty useless when it came to my teenage brother, and he is prone to anger and lashing out in temper tantrums. He could fly off the handle over little things and that led toa few scary situations.
I don't plan to have kids but if I do, I will do some things the same as my dad and 0 things the same as my mom. I'd like to repeat my dad's teaching us to do chores, and how he talked to us instead of spanking. However he was really lost and useless when we became teenagers so lol
I'd also like to repeat my dad's policy on no soda pop, but I'll be less strict about it I think. But his "ingredients only" policy sucks 😔 I will be having snacks in my house -
Let them have a pet bro ðŸ˜ðŸ˜ðŸ˜
I'd say they do a pretty good job as parents, but I'd probably try to spend more quality time w my kids even if they get older and I would try to compliment em a lot -
Literally let them have a dog -
Not beat them up for making a grade below an A? B's are just as good as A's.
If my child was part of Lgbtq+, I would support them.
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