The Boy from Nibelheim
Thread Topic: The Boy from Nibelheim
I love the stuff my sweetheart gave me last night. He spoils me so much. 😍😍😍
My bedroom is too cozy, now. 😌
I love this stuff. Thank you, Brandan. 🖤
I love my man so much...😍
Now wut? 😐
I just eat and sleep, today. Yikes.
Oh well, I'm fine with that...
Time for another nap or something.
Is it a bad thing that I avoid identifying as anything that implies an opposite gender because I don't want anyone to know what my assigned birth gender was?
Like, I feel like if I ever use anything along the lines of Trans, people will look too deeply into it, and I really don't want people know what my assigned gender at birth was...
Then, there's also the judgement of "you don't act trans".
Didn't know there was a f---ing measurement for that, but okay, dumb---...
Well, that looks weird. Didn't know it looked like that on Night Mode...
I like taking a nap and listening to this. It's so calming.
Kind of weird how I feel most comfortable in this account, now.
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