The Boy from Nibelheim
Thread Topic: The Boy from Nibelheim
I think...
He's actually sleep, now.๐ถ -
Then that...that means I can sleep, now, too.๐ญ๐ค
Oh, yeah, of course their parents would come out here and be loud as f---.
Would love to play Smash Bros.๐ญ
The smell of their BBQ ribs is making me hungry.๐ฅบ
Guess I should wake the kids up. ๐
Do you have to tho?
Yes, unfortunately.
Why the hell am I still here? Do they plan on sending me home? -
Overworked and underpaid.
I'm working later than NY aunt.
OH MY GOD! THIS IS SO WRONG! They didn't tell me they were going to make me stay here until 6:30pm๐ญ
This is just wrong. -
Thatโs f---ed
I'm so upset. Grown ass adults screwing young people over.
And these kids keep kicking the ball into a f---ing creek. I have to use ninja skills to fish the ball out without falling in. Hell no. I'm not being paid enough for this s---.
I can't believe it. Forty damn dollars.
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