- Locked by The Coldest Sun on Aug 5, '16 3:05amReason: This is why we can't have nice things.
Thread Topic: AHHHHHHHHHH!
iceman3 Newbiejustin
my real name is lynn.
yea i know yours chan
nice names guys
but my mother calls me Gabriela and it's funny cause when she's yelling at me she says my whole name and it must be tiring for her to not call me by a short nickname -
iceman3 Newbienice name chan
Gabriela Ann Hernandez
idk why i just said my whole name -
iceman3 Newbiescar weres sisi
:] nice
i don't know i think she's doing something
are you two still together?
and me and SiSi are great friends so idk why idk where she is.. -
ice farted
thanks chan :)
iceman3 Newbieidk
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