Daydreaming in Nightmares
Thread Topic: Daydreaming in Nightmares
I'm all f---ed up
I want to talk to someone
...But who would want to listen to an idiot like me vent.... -
We care about you, Esp.
I’ll listen to you Es! And you’re not an idiot you’re the smartest best pet I know!
@Cats: I can't talk to you about it, since you might get mad at me...
But I still love you. <3 -
Ok, if das how you feel.
Jus saying I would never ever in my entire existence be mad at you because you are absolutely perfect
And I love chu too -
Not to be rude but "Perfect people don't exist, so don't pretend to be one" Eclipse you know who I'm quoting
My phone turns all the stuffs off in 13 mins, so...
Hey I get computer back Saturday -
Okay, well...
..I have three crushes at the moment. You, June, and someone irl.
It's hard to get over a crush...
I've known the person irl since 2nd grade
I dunno how to feel
I'm trying to knock some logic into me
I'm sorry
Please don't hate me... -
Brycen please shut the fück up also dis Cats and I’d appreciate if you didn’t yell at or encourage Es to hurt herself.
I know your not talking to me Eclipse but are you Polyamorous?
I don’t hate you, Es. It is literally human nature to like/love people. I could never hate you.
I know your Cats but I'm talking to Eclipse not you Cats.
It’d be great if you didn’t yell at Es
@Brycen: Uh, I dunno
Probs not
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