Cabeswater Landing
Thread Topic: Cabeswater Landing
I mean honestly im going through some bulls--- but im okay, im coping
The hurting comes in waves.
*hugs* Is there anything I can do to help you?
I'll be okay!!
Idk how imma remember to take my meds lol
Every other day is like. Prone to failure. -
I guess i could use an account on here to do it.... which one?
This one will be fine.
So i take it on odd numbers, and don't on even? -
Ill use ๐ on days i take it, and a ๐ซ on days that i dont
Day One
๐ -
Rlly need a bag to take in tk work :/
You'll always be the baddest b---- I know. I miss you sm you absolute a--hole.
I have strange feeling
Yall really are making drama where there doesnt have to be any
chainsaw, cats's entire point is that she's trying to avoid drama but people keep yelling at her
She could have avoided it by just not saying anything. You can't tell someone not to read your thread. That isn't how it works.
My head hurts so f---ing bad
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