The Anime Household
Thread Topic: The Anime Household
AsherKino NewbieHoly s---. How is this not locked?
AsherKino NewbieπΆπ«
AsherKino NewbieHmmmmmmmmmmm.
AsherKino NewbieMight play Sims later.
AsherKino NewbieHold up.
AsherKino NewbiePost here to be in a Sims game.
AsherKino NewbieName:
Age (infant, toddler, child, teen, young adult, adult, elder):
Hair length (short, medium, long, up-do):
Hair color:
Species (vampire, human, cat, dog):
Age [if dog or cat] (puppy/kitten, adult, elder)
Clothing style: -
Bout to see if I can have my Emowoman acc back.
If you ever wanna talk privately, my Discord is ashxrkino
Aiko alr
Well, Aiko alt number 2
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