The Rose Garden
Thread Topic: The Rose Garden
Pretty good :D I now work in a sandwich shop
Ayyyy nice! What kind of sandwiches do you make? :D
Okay, I seriously need to start tackling my schoolwork now.
Cold cut sandwiches, its kinda like subway
My apologies for not replying sooner, but yes, I am new to the forums.
@Nixie, Yum! Those sound delicious. :D
Are your co-workers nice?
@Svet, It's fine. XD
Welcome to the forums! :D It's great to have you here. -
Idk why but for some reason my right eye is hurting whenever I blink. There isn't anything in it. I already checked.
It was hurting last night as well.
this is fine. -
Anywho, my dog is being really nice today! :D
What a big changw. Lmao <3 -
hello o:
Heyo! How art thou? :D
You’re almost at 1000!
First to congratulate you before you get it!! -
AYYY Ty! :00
Also, hihi! :D -
Congrats to my eye for making me miserable. :')
I keep missing you đŸ˜«
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