The Rose Garden
Thread Topic: The Rose Garden
Lmfao that’s never gonna happen 💀
I gotta say, I am the best company this world has ever seen 🕶👌
I should probably go sleep considering how much nonsense I’m blabbering, but I’m not gonna do that for the sake of making future June appalled
Y’know this is why I should stay away from sweets
Like I don’t have a sweet tooth
But at the same time, gimme that candy 👀👏 -
Ooo almost 900 pages
Lotsa memories
I should probably do my chores but no
I’ve got too much energy to do that 👀👀👀
Like no energy to do chores
But a s--- ton of energy to do nothing -
Thinking back to that time where one of my friends (why’d she move so far away-) was supposed to dip me (we were doing some kind of ballroom dance. Girl insisted she was straight but she kept flirting with me the whole day.
She literally had no reaction when I tried to give her a taste of her own medicine. Like excuse me ma’am you made me a f---ing tomato and all I’m doing is making you blink in confusion? 🤧) AND GIRL JUST DROPPED ME FLAT ON THE FLOOR
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