The Rose Garden
Thread Topic: The Rose Garden
*flinches as the glow goes away* I-I'm Ami...
Me: Hello! :D -
@Danny, Hihi! :D
@Emo, *raises eyebrow* Do you mean Ami’s brother? -
*shakes head* N-no.
Oh, so Ami then
What the f--- happened.
You look like a new person :0 -
u-uh E-Emo t-touched m-me a-and th-this happend.
What’s up
@Emo, 👁👄👁 magic ig
@Danny, nothing much. I apparently slept in the whole day.
there goes my Saturday 😭
Wbu? -
*he then holds on to the wall supporting him before he fell*
*looks down at you* You good?
*he looks up* *he suddenly has a glow and transforms*
I apparently took another nap xD -
*she clutches her chest*
@Ami, Need a doctor? Because I am one :0
@Danny, But who sleeps in until 5:00? 😭
Like I get 1 or 2
BUT 5-
Ayyyy noice 🕶
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